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How I Made My First App In 1 Month.


*Note: This is my experience and I hope to inspire many people from it. You can check out my new app, Republican vs Democrat, on the iOS App Store or by clicking here. It is an app that will allow you to read both conservative and liberal news sources as well as listen to your favorite talk show hosts. My first app, Shoe Swap - Trade Shoes Locally, can also be found here. Thank you.


I have received an enormous amount of support on my journey as an entrepreneur and as an app developer. Along with that came countless questions asking me how I managed to do what I did. I plan to squash a few myths here and help you get one step closer to your goals whether it be a developer or a small business owner.


The Path I Took:


Before anyone thinks to themselves that there is no way, I will tell you right now there is a way. Many people take years and thousands of google searches just to figure out that coding an app takes time. Who would of thought?


The issue with this is that people become intimidated by the massive amount of information available. This is where I drew the line in my life. After about 2 years of messing around with the thought of making my app, I sat down and started. I starting learning Swift (an apple programing language used to make apps) and not a week later I launched up XCode (Another tool needed to make iPhone apps) and I started my first app. It was something basic. I simply got the screen to say "Hello".


This alone was motivation for me. From the time I started learning Swift to the time it took me to have a complete app was a month, give or take a couple of days. My first app was rather complex. It is now my first app in the App Store as well. It allowed people to buy, sell, and trade shoes locally.


Notice how I didn't give you a long list of references as to where you can learn this and where you can be taught that?


This is because the best way to start is to google how to learn swift. After you find ONE source, follow it until you are completely comfortable and think you are ready to take on a different task.



Stick to this one source and you will succeed. After you feel comfortable with swift. Do one more google search. How to make an iPhone app with swift. Find that source and STICK WITH IT. NO MORE GOOGLE SEARCHES UNTIL YOU HAVE A FINISHED SIMPLE APP. I do not care if it is the most basic app and you copy the tutorial code for code. Do this and learn from it. After this, come up with a project in your mind and start.


Every single question you have at this point can be asked or found on or it can be found in a google search.


From here on out google everything you need to learn that has to do with YOUR PROJECT. YOU WILL learn and you will grow as an app developer.


There will be seasoned developers who will say that I am full of myself and that there is no way my advice is good. My response to that is that life is an experience. I am sharing my experience with you. Everyones experiences are different. My entire goal here is to show you that if you stick to learning one thing at a time and progressively learn more on top of it, the sky's the limit when it comes to your goals.


If you want to check out my apps you can at these two links.


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Thank You

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